Thinking about
your business
is a big part of ours.
Berman Hopkins’ Government Team is proud of our grounded understanding of government processes, accounting policies, internal controls and financial statement reporting disclosures. Because our team of professionals remains current on key issues, accounting and auditing principles, and governmental rules and regulations, our comprehensive governmental auditing experience and education is, and will continue to be, outstanding.
Our commitment to providing high-quality audits has resulted in helping clients become more:
At managing their resources, even with the added stress of shrinking resources
Control Conscious
With a focus on mitigating risks
Technically Aware
Of proposed and implemented guidance under FASB, GASB and IASB
With regulatory agencies affecting their industries
We have vast experience with the Federal and Florida Single Audit Acts and the provisions of OMB Circulars A-133, A-102 and A-87. We are a member of the Government Audit Quality Center of the AICPA and the FICPA State and Local Government Committee.
We invite our clients to attend our annual continuing education program for government accounting and auditing as part of this process for technical updates
Our Government Contractors Experts

Years of Auditing
Cities and Counties
Audits, Reviews, and Compilations per year
Decrease in Audit Fees for Local Cities

Years of Advising
City Financials
Locally Owned
Revenue Increase for City Programs